Sustainability at the heart of your growth strategy

Purpose driven companies outperform

There are a handful of factors that high growth companies have in common. One of which is purpose. More stakeholders than ever before expect companies to step up when it comes to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues. And our investment strategy expects the same.

We believe that a company's commitment to ESG is a solid indicator of its long-term sustainable value creation. This is why responsible investing is fundamental in our approach.



We work with you to assess and roll-out an ESG framework for long-term sustainable growth.



Preferential funding for projects that support the transition towards greater environmental and social sustainability.



We actively support you in making an impactful contribution within your local communities.
Lasting significance through environmental and social sustainability
Our annual ESG action plans asses and prioritise short- and medium-term initiatives to improve ESG performance.
Working with you we focus on embedding ESG aspects into your culture, operations and strategy to deliver long term sustainability and growth.



ESG Action planning

We're putting our money where our mouth is

The Bregal Sustainable Development Financing Program is a €50 million fund intended for strategic ESG improvement projects.
Eligible investments include but are not limited to the following areas:
Renewable energy
Ecosystem impact
Water management and conservation
Supply chain improvements
Energy efficiency
Emissions and waste
Eco-efficient product development
Social impact



Creating positive social impact in our local communities

We actively support our founders in engaging with their local communities to address social causes and create business-relevant impact. This not only benefits the communities we work in but leads to a positive impact on brand equity and greater recruitment appeal.



Bregal Investments saw positive momentum across all its investment teams in successfully incorporating responsible investing aspects during its investment process. Progress and future ambitions are published in this 2023 Responsible Investment Report.
Download the report

We provide transparency on our Responsible Investment approach

The environmental and social characteristics promoted by the Fund consist of:
Robust Environmental and Social Governance
Climate Action
Engaged, Diverse and Inclusive Workforce
In line with the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) requirements, at Bregal Milestone we seek to provide transparency on our Responsible Investment approach. Our strong commitment to ESG and Responsible Investing is integrated in all our investment decisions. Through our ESG programme we aim to build resilient companies and create long-term sustainable value for our stakeholders. The Fund has been categorised as meeting the provisions set out in Article 8 of SFDR for products which promote environmental and social characteristics.